Monday, March 24, 2014

A Week of Green Spring Cleaning (microwave)

Kids are playing video games and enjoying spring break. For once we are out of leftovers because everyone is eating at home all day and the microwave is getting a workout.

Many years ago 'they' came out with these handy dandy little microwave pouches. You put a pouch in the microwave for a few and it would steam and break open a bag that had a little cloth in it.  Nuke and wipes were used here all the time. Then I got wise to the chemicals... and the FDA not giving a crap about me or my family. So how do I get the nice steam cleaned microwave with out all the chemicals??? Simple and we can do it for much cheaper than the advrage $1 a pouch... and sanitize your sponge while at it!

All you need is a sponge. I use my kitchen sponge...a small microwave plate and the 3 ingredient surface cleaner or some white distilled vinegar. I like using the 3 ingredient surface cleaner because I like the smell better that just the vinegar but we use what we got. :)

Now place the sponge on the plate.

Pour your vinegar or surface cleaner over the sponge surface.

Stop when you see the sponge is full. You want a little on the plate but not going over. If you can lift the sponge and it looks a bit like this.... perfect!

Now you are going to put the plate in the center of your nasty microwave....see, I said it had been getting a lot of use recently. I'm going to make the photo bigger to you can really see the nastiness. Ewww!

Turn on the microwave (on high) for 30 seconds. Now flip the sponge over and nuke it for another 30 seconds. Be Careful, the sponge is HOT!!!

Now, the sponge has been in the microwave for a total of 1 minute of nuke time. Keep the door closed and let it sit for 5 minutes (you may want to set a timer). This is to break up the gunk on the walls and to let the sponge cool down. It's really hot at this point.

Once the timer goes off, go in and check the temp of the sponge.  If its not too hot ring it out and wipe down the walls. Start with the inside of the door first because that will cool the fastest.

Don't forget the roof and the outside as well. Just dip your sponge in the plate when it needs a rinse.

That is so much better!

If you have a tray you may want to take it out and give it a rinse in the sink. Don't forget to wipe under the tray as well.

All done and it only took a total of about 10 minutes. :)

1 comment:

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