Some of you know I was delayed in getting yesterdays post up because my refrigerator and freezer died on me. Luckily we have a deep freezer in the garage so we did not loose a lot. Anyways, you don't care about that... you want the recipe. So here goes...
Really cleaning a chopping block can be a pain! Years ago I used a 50% water and a 50% bleach mix to clean them. Yes, bleach. Again this was before I knew how bad this stuff was and I thought the FDA was my friend. I still use only two ingredients to sanitize them and normally use my 3 ingredient surface cleaner for daily cleaning.
This is so simple you may laugh.
Yes, that's salt and lemon. I cut the lemons at an angle and not strait up and down. This gives more surface on the 1/2 of the lemon that you will be using.
You will also need a pastry scraper or if you don't have one of them, an old credit card or any plastic- like card will work. No, I'm not going to tell you to buy an new cutting board at this end of this. Pinky-swear-promise.
Now heavily dust your cutting board with the salt and turn the lemon face down on the board. Squeeze and scrub the board with the lemon. The lemon should start to look very abused and the salt will become kind of pasty.
And scrub some more.
Now let it sit for 5-10 minuets.
Next you are going to scrape the pile of salt, lemon juice, and lemon seeds into a pile with your pastry scraper or credit card thing. See I told you I was not going to make you buy a new one! :)
Scrape off all the salt and lemon juice into a bowl or if you can move your block, scrape it off into the sink.
At this point I normally wipe it down with a dish cloth and a little of the 3 ingredient surface cleaner and let it dry.
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