Monday, March 3, 2014

An introduction

Just a little background for you. No, I am not a witch. Not that I see anything wrong with being a witch or Wiccan. I just didn't think that making 'That Green Bitch' the title of my blog was the best idea so I substituted the B for a W.... I thought it was clever at the time.

I'm a Green Bitch. Green as in, I attempt to live 'green', as in I recycle and try to use homemade recipes for cleaners and beauty products. Bitch/Witch as in I am crafty and I tend to not apologize for the way I am. I am me.

Over the last few years I have been switching over to homemade recipes and I'm picky about them. I can't stand the idea of something costing more when I am taking the time to also make it. So you could call me That Cheap Green B/Witch, if you like. I won't be offended.

I first started to switch to green MYO (make your own) products because my son has/had bad eczema. He actually inherited it from me, but me being me, I dealt with it. I would wear socks on my hands so I would not scratch in my sleep and deal. I could not deal with seeing my 2 year old son constantly scratching and scabbing up his legs and feet. It made him and me cry. We tried 4 doctors and tons of creams and medications trying to get ride of it. It made me wonder what these medications where doing to him... at the same time as NOT working on the eczema.

At one point a friend told me about chemicals in detergent sometimes being the cause of skin problems. My first response was, “why would a company make something that could hurt kids even when used properly?” Yes, I was blind. I had no idea about GMO's, problems with food colors and preservatives or any of that other stuff. I was in the “the FDA is wonderful and they keep us safe” mind frame. So I did some research. Funny thing research. You learn things when you read! Wish I had known that back in high school!

To make a long story short I switched from using Tide brand to Free and Clear brand for about a year and it helped but the eczema was still popping up and rearing its ugly scabby head. Then I took the jump and made my own laundry detergent and with in a month it was gone. Even the little red areas that don't itch but look nasty and never go away... faded. In 6 months the red areas were gone.

All of this got me thinking... what other things do I deal with (like the eczema) that I just accept as apart of life? Dandruff? Dry and oily skin? Heartburn? Headaches and migraines?

I plan to make this Blog all about the things I do here to help me and my family live a better life and not break the bank while I'm at it. Not all of it will be MYO and DIY recipes. Some of it will just be me being a crazy lady. 

I should note that if you are still in the “the FDA is our friend” mind frame, I warn you that this blog may not be the one for you.

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